
The MACROVegan Approach

The healthy alternative. Benefits of seasonal, regional and ecologically sustainable nutrition.
B&M Kitchen slideshow

Human Ecology Project

Join the Evolution - The world needs you right now!

Ultimate Health Experience

Extend and enhance your life through healthy living

How Vegan Food And Living Can Change Your Life

Have you thought about venturing into the world of plant-based food, or maybe you already are a vegan looking for inspiration and knowledge? On this site you will find an abundance of recipes and tutorials, making it easy for you to cook healthy vegan meals which bring together a fusion of east and west.

Vegan Cooking

We have ideas and advice in abundance so please take a look around our website – it’s full of vegan recipes reflecting macrobiotic principles and a fusion of international influences. There is also advice, information and interviews with some of the world’s leading experts on food, nutrition and the effect it has on our bodies and our planet.

By changing to a vegan diet, you will change not only your world but the world around you too – isn’t that something?

Vegan Diet – the Interesting, Delicious and Colourful

Eating vegan food is fun. Times have moved on and eating a plant-based diet in the twenty first century is exciting and interesting – with food full of colour, flavour, goodness and ingredients from all over the world now available to all of us.

If you haven’t already tried it then you have come to the right place. You will feel the difference that eating a Macrobiotic Vegan diet makes to your wellbeing and life.

Or better still, why not sign up for our one-hour health consultations? We will meet with you, on a video call, so that we can find out about the food you are eating now, your general state of well-being and how to improve your food choices to feel better.  

Marlene and Bill – a Lifetime of Experience

We have over 90 years combined experience working as health consultants, authors, teachers and chefs in the vegan and macrobiotic world. We must be doing something right as we have unlimited energy, we are overflowing with enthusiasm and passion for life and we are never ill!

We want to share the secret of our vitality with you – it all starts with the food that we put in our mouths.

MACROVegan – Here to Help You Every Step of The Way

We can help you in different ways – from online courses, health consultations to recipe books and information videos

Online Courses

  • The MACROVegan Health Coach Diploma Course 
  • MACROVegan Nutrition Course with Bill Tara & Marlene Watson-Tara 
  • Learn how to cook with Marlene Watson-Tara
  • Oriental Diagnosis Course Part One with Bill Tara 
  • Oriental Diagnosis Part Two with Bill Tara 
  • Health Coach Principles & Practice Training Module with Bill and Marlene 

Find out more about our Online Courses

Health Counselling

Are you suffering from a chronic condition or degenerative disease? Do you need help getting started, or clarification on just what it takes to eat well as part of creating a healthy lifestyle? If so, then our counselling sessions are for you. 

Find out more about our Health Counselling Sessions

Weight Loss Programme

Weight Loss with MACROVegan is an innovative and healthy eating programme promoting long lasting permanent weight loss techniques. Online weight loss course

Find out more about our Weight Loss Programme

Vegan Cooking


Due to social distancing the following services are on hold until further notice. As soon as guidelines allow, we will have these up and running again, and will let you know on our website or you can email us for advance notification:

Interviews, Radio, Social Media, Television and Public Speaking

If you are looking for an authority on vegan lifestyle, macrobiotics or food and ecology, then please invite us on your programme or show. We are interesting, enthusiastic and love to educate, debate and talk about all things plant based!

Email Marlene on:


T. Colin CampbellFrom The Foreword of Marlene’s latest book Go Vegan
“Marlene Watson-Tara has been an unusually dedicated woman in the cause of furthering human welfare through eating food that matters. Her tradition, and that of her husband Bill, is drawn from their long-time association with the famous macrobiotic diet concept introduced in the West by Michio
and Aveline Kushi during the 1950s.”

T. Colin Campbell, Author - The China Study