Virus And Animals
Disease is often described as an enemy. It is an invisible and mysterious adversary that surrounds us. This is reflected in the way we discuss illness. We are 'fighting' heart disease; we are 'battling' cancer and we will 'conquer' diabetes. Both America and the... read more »
Mental Health & Diet
Improve The Gut & The Brain With Plant Based Nutrition Each day mental health awareness is on the page of every newsfeed on the internet and in the newspapers. Bill and I have worked with clients and students for decades who have suffered from many... read more »
Bloating & Fibre
If there’s one thing the Western diet lacks, it’s fibre. Daily recommendations are set at 25 to 30 grams, but less than 3 percent of people consume that much. In fact, most are getting an average of only 15 grams per day. By contrast,... read more »
Coronavirus Origins
Disease is generally described as an enemy. Invisible and mysterious adversaries surround us. It is reflected in the way we discuss illness. We are 'fighting' heart disease; we are 'battling' cancer and we will 'conquer' diabetes. Both America and the UK have declared war... read more »
Earth Day 2020
Each year on April 22, more than one billion people around the world participate in Earth Day activities. An annual focus on a different theme assures global environmental concerns receive highlighted notice. This year, April 22 marks the 50th celebration since the first Earth Day... read more »
Building Strong Immunity
Boosting your immunity by adopting the following principles is easy. As you will know, Phytonutrients come from a plants own immune system and are helpful for our own healing. The best known of these being antioxidants; Phytonutrients can be found in all plant foods. It is... read more »
On-line Nutrition Study with Marlene and Bill
Our life's work and passion has been to educate others on how to live a long healthy happy life. We have students in 27 countries who have travelled to study with us to become a beacon of light for their communities. Many of them... read more »
Corona Virus Protection
The price of health is simply healthful living. There are many actions that one can choose to take in an attempt to achieve optimum health. This is a brief summary of the actions, that in our experience, really matter. The body works like an orchestra... read more »
Put A Spring In Your Step
Never in modern history has there been such an interest in food and at the same time, such a lack of confidence in the basic quality of food. The only thing that has ever made sense to me is to let nature set us... read more »
If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?
Healing truly does start in the kitchen, and that is what inspires me to get as many people as I can back to cooking their own food. As many of you will agree, it is not always possible to have home-cooked natural food. We live in... read more »