Jeff Nelson VegSource Origins

Jeff Nelson VegSource Origins

Jeff Nelson VegSource Origins

On Marlene & Friends this week, I am talking to one of the world's foremost journalists on vegan living. Jeff Nelson from VegSource, a vegan for 25 years shares with me the work that he and his wife Sabrina have passionately shared via their website and the hugely popular VegSource you tube channel. Jeff is a fellow Scot which is always a treat for me. In this interview we discuss how he took a different path from a family deeply involved in the history of American meat production. 

All Roads Lead To Diet

Like many of us, we are presented with information via a book, a podcast, or an interview that can turn out to be life-changing. For Jeff Nelson, hearing a radio interview and reading a book by John Robbins set him and his wife on the path to becoming vegetarian. However, 5 years later Sabrina was diagnosed with a rare incurable autoimmune disease called Relapsing polychondritis (RP). Her immune system was attacking and destroying her body’s cartilage.

Along came another book, gifted to Sabrina by her sister. After reading this book, by Dr. John McDougall, it changed their lives and they both became vegan. Hence, Vegsource was born in their home through what they term as their form of kitchen activism.

If you know anyone who suffers with Relapsing Polychondritis, the disease that Sabrina was cured from please share this life-saving link with them. We are all here to take care of each other, that's our philosophy. Jeff and Sabrina have done an incredible service globally. Their invaluable experience and vast knowledge is shared openly and abundantly.  Through their passion and commitment to help others they have built fantastic resources for all to learn from.

Healthy Lifestyle Expo

Their vegan activism grew in 2001 when they founded their hugely successful events the Healthy Lifestyle Expo. The events hosted top experts in plant-based health, fitness and psychology and were attended by hundreds of people. The speakers delivered powerful and inspiring lectures on how you can keep your mind, body and spirit in tip-top condition. Diet is the cornerstone of good health, which is what the Healthy Lifestyle Expo is all about. There are many recordings from previous events that are available on DVDs to watch again and again, and to share with family and friends. They contain invaluable life-saving and life-extending information.

Caring For The Community

Meals For Health, a programme that Jeff is also involved in, goes into low income communities and helps sick people regain their health. It's a fantastic effort with great results being achieved for so many. As Jeff says, this is a way of paying back for the good fortune they have received through being introduced to a vegan way of life. You will hear more about that in the interview and enjoy a wonderful testimony from one of the participants. Such encouraging words and guidance is what we all need to share. The world needs a revolution of the heart.  

Please join Bill and I in service for a healthy world for humans and nonhuman alike. The world needs you, right now.

In good health
