
Our client testimonials

Thousands of happy clients and students world-wide


Christina-Pirello Corporate Programme
I can highly recommend the Corporate Seminar on a wholefood plant-based diet!
The seminar I booked for my team was held online so everyone could join and it was still a great team building event and very interactive despite it being not in person. The material was not only explained in a simple way but also shared in writing afterwards with additional videos and support to help get people started on making a change in their daily diet and in their approach on how they see food, namely as the main factor to their health which was a very empowering message. 
There were many eye-opening moments due to the condensed information which is hard to find elsewhere in this format given the years of experience Marlene and Bill have. The fact that the material references scientific studies backing up the teaching is very convincing and provides ample and easily accessible sources to dig deeper. Especially helpful was the possibility to ask questions about common "myths" when it comes to certain aspects of dietary needs as the contradictory information one finds on the internet and by self-explained "experts" is rather confusing and difficult to debunk.
The fun and easy going way Marlene and Bill lead the seminar made everyone comfortable to also ask questions about their own eating habits followed by explanations and advice on what to change.
I personally believe this kind of teaching should be a must not only for companies caring about their employees but also at schools to help children understand how crucial and at the same time easy it is to eat right.The seminar did certainly provide proof of one thing: It is not rocket science to feed yourself or your family in all age groups a healthy diet and we should all get started today rather than tomorrow!
Jutta List
Vice President - Legal Affairs EMEA
TTI Techtronic Industries EMEA Ltd
Christina-Pirello Corporate Programmes

As a firm believer that in order to be productive and exceed in our roles we need to have strong mental and physical health now more than ever! With that in mind I invited Marlene Watson-Tara to run an online session for my team speaking about the importance of our daily diet for overall health. With the way of the world, we now live in its critical to improve our immune system and stay healthy. 

Wellbeing of staff both mentally & physically should be the most important factor for any organisation. Marlene's decades of experience and unique skills along with her 'can-do' vibrant personality made the experience not only educational but fun. Learning how to eat right for maintaining a healthy gut is critical now more than ever. The whole team enjoyed the session and it was a start to a transformational journey for many of us …

As leaders in any organisations you should know that your employees are the greatest asset, and looking after their wellbeing should be every leaders no.1 priority." 

Exasol UK Limited
Farah Brown | Head of Sales UK, Ireland, Nordic, CIS & MEA


Christina-Pirello Thank You For My Regained Health

I am so fortunate to have met Marlene. She is the most wonderful inspiration and an amazing teacher with incredible knowledge that she shares eagerly and passionately with you. Her never-ending support and encouragement as she guides you back to health are a gift in itself.

Although I had been an almost lifelong vegetarian, eating a predominately vegan diet I have learnt so much about eating a very different vegan diet, one that nourishes every cell of my body. I have loved all the food and it has already transformed my energy, my looks and my health! I am amazed.

I am so thrilled with Marlene’s new book Go Vegan. It is a beautifully laid out book with stunning photographs of every recipe. I want to make everything. The book is more than a cookbook. It is filled with incredible information that covers nutritional science, ancient wisdom and Marlene’s passion for our environment.

Seriously, I have only known Marlene a few months, but you actually hear her speaking when you read the book. As Marlene says, health is everything, without health, everything is nothing.

Sonia Jennings. U.K.


Christina-Pirello You Have Saved My Life

Thank you for saving my life. Since my health consultation with you, my eyes have been wide open. I have never before been exposed to the educational material you sent me in my programme. It's mind-blowing. I have already lost 20lbs - I am off my medications and on the path to renewed health from the many diseases I have had for years. Gastritis, hiatus hernia, obesity, pre-diabetic and more. My energy levels are soaring and I feel re-born. My consciousness is like never before. Thank you for the amazing work you do. With gratitude, Justine Aubrey, U.K.


Christina-Pirello Cookbook author and Emmy Award winner – Cookbook author

I met Bill Tara 20 years ago when I was making a lifestyle change. Through his teaching and mentoring I became a teacher myself and through his continued counsel and friendship found my own voice and the way to speak my own truth. It has served me well in my life. Bill changed the way I see the world and for that I have the deepest love and gratitude for him. No one should miss the opportunity to experience study with him.
Christina Pirello

Christina-Pirello Successful Health & Wellness Business Owner

An impromptu meeting with Marlene in my hometown Perth, Australia, catalyzed a complete change in my career and lifestyle. With her infectious energy, her simple, clear and hard hitting message, she won my trust completely and I began living healthy ever since. I have built up a successful wellness business with her wonderful support across the miles. Marlene’s greatest testimonial is Marlene herself!
Peter Symons

Christina-Pirello West Yorkshire Business Services Consultant

Marlene is without a doubt the most incredible force of nature I have ever known. You feel more ‘alive’ just by knowing her. Her excitement, enthusiasm and passion for the love of her work is infectious. Her eyes light up when she shares her mission and vision for the world. I do believe that her vision for Weight Loss Nature’s Way will change many lives in more ways than one, while, at the same time reducing animal cruelty and helping the environment.
Tracy Case

Christina-Pirello G.P

Weight Loss Nature’s Way is such a wonderful concept we should all take it on board. Marlene has created such a straightforward and easy to follow programme that works. Her teaching has introduced a fantastic and simple way to safeguard your health while reducing your weight.
Dr. Vijay Sonthalia

Christina-Pirello Physiotherapist MCSP and Member of HPC

I have known Marlene for 20 years. Her work is as infectious as her shining personality and passion for health. I would highly recommend Marlene’s Weight Loss Nature’s Way programme to get your body back on top form. The ten modules consist of short cooking classes, education tutorials, health bonus tips and a 10 minute exercise video. You have it all with this course.
Eunice Gailey

Christina-Pirello G.P

I recommend Marlene’s Weight Loss Nature’s Way Programme as nothing short of wonderful. This course is not only aimed at weight loss but addresses all aspects of health that will bring the body back into balance. This in turn will increase vitality and reduce nutritional stress. Weight Loss Nature’s Way is a sustainable and easy to follow course no matter where you live in the world.
Dr. Martin Innes

Christina-Pirello Director – Balanced World Limited

Bill’s experience in all aspects of the health & wellness industry has proved invaluable to me and everyone I have been able to connect with him. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his advice and influence. Long may the words of wit and wisdom continue.
Joyce Webber

Christina-Pirello Director of De Natuurlijke Kookschool, Belgium

Rarely have I met a teacher like Marlene. Despite her age she has the enthusiasm and energy of a youngster. Her life experience, humor and compassion lead you with ease towards a healthier and more satisfying life. Cooking is not a bore for her, and her ideas for quick and healthy meals show she understands the modern woman and how little time there is. She is a successful businesswoman, yet also knows the importance of health in life.
Mieke Vervecken-Pieters

Christina-Pirello CMIR

I have known Marlene Watson-Tara for years and have taught on her course, The Natural Woman. Marlene is such a kind, passionate and wise soul. Over the years that Marlene has been working with her concept Weight Loss Nature’s Way she has received wonderful feedback and results. Her fantastic idea is simple, safe and powerful. Work with it, you will reduce weight and achieve better health.
Dr. Lisa Yun Sun – PhD

Christina-Pirello Founder, Macrobiotic Institute, Portugal

We are facing tremendous challenges of many kinds, biological, social and environmental, to name the most pressing. Marlene’s work is in line with the latest research on health and weight issues. For those of you implementing Weight Loss Nature’s Way into your life it is very likely that you will change it forever. This course is packed with fantastic educational tutorials and enjoyable cooking classes.
Chico Varatojo

Christina-Pirello Author, Modern Day Macrobiotics and Macrobiotics For Life

Marlene is an energetic, clear communicator with a wealth of practical weight loss advice that is backed up by science and works. Her courses are well structured, organised and easy to follow. Marlene’s progressive one step at a time approach is what makes weight loss a reality. I highly recommended Weight Loss Nature’s Way.
Simon Brown

Christina-Pirello Chinese & Alternative Medicine, Acupuncturist, Psychologist

Marlene has been a sister to me and a great teacher. She is able to convey her love of nature and improve the quality of life of anyone through her teachings.
Dr. Roberto Carini, PhD.

Christina-Pirello Acupuncturist, Macrobiotic Counselor, Oriental Medicine & Macrobiotic Teacher.

Marlene has the unique combination of knowledge, enthusiasm, clarity and friendliness that attracts attention and can take you deeper in your understanding just from studying with her. She can do this because she brings you into her family-of-friends and immediately you sense that she is your advocate and supporter. It is always best to learn from those who have gone ahead, yet gladly willing to walk beside you, that is Marlene.
Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.

Christina-Pirello Speaker & Author, Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods and Macrobiotics for Dummies

Marlene’s expertise and unique teaching style is only exceeded by her charm and passionate dedication. Her practical courses offer a comprehensive view of body, mind and spirit information that will help you refine your understanding, inspire deeper commitment or get the necessary support if you’re on a healing path.
Verne Varona

Christina-Pirello Emmy award winning host of ‘Christina Cooks’ & bestselling author

I have known Marlene for some time now and her passion for health and wellness is matched only by her knowledge. Her book Macrobiotics for all Seasons is a must-read for anyone concerned with maintaining, regaining or achieving robust health…so that means everyone! Simple, clear and filled with great information, conveyed with Marlene’s great compassion, style and humour, you will find yourself using this book all the time.
Christina Pirello