How To Eat Right & Save The Planet
How To Eat Right & Save The Planet
A wonderful start to a new year for me as I share the work from my beloved Bill Tara. His latest publication How To Eat Right & Save The Planet. I have highlighted the link for his book here that is... read more »
The Ocean Is Burning Too
For the past week much of the world has been transfixed by images of the burning jungles of the Amazon basin. Who cannot be horrified by the destruction of both forest and animal life in this blaze? This is the annihilation of one of... read more »
“Could You Just Cut Down A Little On Eating The Planet?”
Climate Change The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has some people really shaken up. They state that the only way to keep global temperatures down is to “change the way the food is produced”. That change is fairly specific if you read anything... read more »
International Recipes For Your Health
Included in my international recipes for your health are the Rice and Vegetable Wakame Salad that uses wakame flakes for nutrition, as well as my Steamed Kale recipe. With these two dishes in your cooking repertoire, your body is sure to feel good... read more »
The Anatomy of Eating
One of the most controversial and curious subjects in modern nutrition is the place of animal protein in a healthy diet. The evidence has been building over the past twenty years that our reliance of meat and dairy foods are a mistake. Most epidemiological... read more »
Happy Easter Vegan Cake
Vegan Easter Treat Easter should be a time of joy and celebration for our world for all who live here, humans and non-humans alike. Treat yourself and family to my delicious lemon tart. Lemon Tart This lemon tart is a lovely conclusion to an elegant dinner! I... read more »
Can What You Eat Improve Your Relationship?
Living In Harmony When two people are attracted to each other we often say that they have “good chemistry”. What if that’s really true? What we think is a clever metaphor may actually be the case. There is a great case to be made that... read more »
Eating As If All Life Matters
I know, I know. He’s my husband, but… Bill’s new book is incredible. He has really put the “macro” into a fresh approach to nutrition. Eating As If All Life Matters is the result of his fifty-odd... read more »