The Perplexity of the Vegan Ecologist
The Perplexity of the Vegan Ecologist
What is known is - the world is disintegrating before our eyes. I am not speaking about societies they come and go. I am referring to the actual world, what we usually refer to as the environment – nature. When nature goes it doesn’t... read more »
The Revolution In Nutrition
29th March 7.00 - 9.00p.m. Boxgrove Hall, Boxgrove, Chichester Bill Tara and Marlene Watson-Tara Nutrition has become a field dominated by confusion as conflicting theories struggle for domination in the popular press. The interesting fact is that there is very little disagreement regarding healthy nutrition outside of... read more »
Let's Reverse Climate Change (but not just yet)
In January 1989 The Endangered Earthwas named planet of the year by Time magazine. The fact that the earth was important enough to bump the likes of Benazir Bhutto, Mike Dukakisand Margret Thatcher off the cover means this must have been an important issue.... read more »