Improve Your Gut Health Naturally
Improve Your Gut Health Naturally
Change your environment - change your gut health A healthy digestive system is at the root of all health. That's logical because your digestive tract is the basic source of the nourishment every cell in your body needs. Your gut is a very delicate ecosystem, with more flora (healthy... read more »
Healthy Vegan Snacks
Snack On The Foods You Were Born To Eat You can literally eat your way to optimum health and achieve your ideal weight by following my wholefood plant-based vegan dietary recommendations. Eat at Least Three Meals a Day Never skip breakfast or lunch because the metabolic rate... read more »
Happy Easter Vegan Cake
Vegan Easter Treat Easter should be a time of joy and celebration for our world for all who live here, humans and non-humans alike. Treat yourself and family to my delicious lemon tart. Lemon Tart This lemon tart is a lovely conclusion to an elegant dinner! I... read more »
Can What You Eat Improve Your Relationship?
Living In Harmony When two people are attracted to each other we often say that they have “good chemistry”. What if that’s really true? What we think is a clever metaphor may actually be the case. There is a great case to be made that... read more »
Vegan Lasagne
Lasagne noodles come in many sizes, choose ones to fit the dish or casserole you are using to bake your lasagne. Serve with a bowl of fresh salad greens. Sauce 4 Cups Marlene’s Basic Tomato Sauce Vegetable Filling: 1 pack silken tofu ½ tsp. turmeric 2 tsp. umeboshi paste 3 cloves... read more »
The Natural Woman Is Vegan
Nothing is as important as a sense of humour when it comes to ageing ‘naturally’. I personally prefer to look at the process of ageing as a journey towards wholeness where all aspects of our being are cultivated and balanced. Make no mistake women... read more »
Step Into 2019 With A FREE Safe & Sustainable Weight Loss Programme
MACROVegan ChitChat with Marlene Our New Year Gift To You All - Download this £149 Course For Free Ten years ago I created my first on-line course called Weight Loss Nature's Way. It then became Weight Loss with MACROVegan . The success for clients world-wide has been immense and... read more »
Go Vegan – It’s Easy
Our Vegan Advocacy Work Back in the time of Copernicus, most would have thought it impossible if you said that you were going to convince everyone that the Earth revolved around the Sun, rather than the other way around, but it did eventually happen! So,... read more »
Magic Mineral Broth For Fat Burning
MAGIC MINERAL BROTH A vegetable broth made from organically grown vegetables can be an excellent source of essential electrolytes. Ionic minerals are the key to maintaining good health. My broth is incredibly nutritious and a health-boosting food that is very easy to make. There is... read more »
Health, Nutrition & The Carnivore Craze
For over fifty years I have watched dietary fads come and go. Usually they are simply a way of selling books with wild claims. Sometimes they revolve around a new “superfood” or ingredient with supposed magical ingredients and sometimes they are simply permission to... read more »