Corporate Programme

Corporate Programme

I can highly recommend the Corporate Seminar on a wholefood plant-based diet!
The seminar I booked for my team was held online so everyone could join and it was still a great team building event and very interactive despite it being not in person. The material was not only explained in a simple way but also shared in writing afterwards with additional videos and support to help get people started on making a change in their daily diet and in their approach on how they see food, namely as the main factor to their health which was a very empowering message. 
There were many eye-opening moments due to the condensed information which is hard to find elsewhere in this format given the years of experience Marlene and Bill have. The fact that the material references scientific studies backing up the teaching is very convincing and provides ample and easily accessible sources to dig deeper. Especially helpful was the possibility to ask questions about common "myths" when it comes to certain aspects of dietary needs as the contradictory information one finds on the internet and by self-explained "experts" is rather confusing and difficult to debunk.
The fun and easy going way Marlene and Bill lead the seminar made everyone comfortable to also ask questions about their own eating habits followed by explanations and advice on what to change.
I personally believe this kind of teaching should be a must not only for companies caring about their employees but also at schools to help children understand how crucial and at the same time easy it is to eat right.The seminar did certainly provide proof of one thing: It is not rocket science to feed yourself or your family in all age groups a healthy diet and we should all get started today rather than tomorrow!
Jutta List
Vice President - Legal Affairs EMEA
TTI Techtronic Industries EMEA Ltd