The Future Of Nutrition - T. Colin Campbell
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The Future Of Nutrition - T. Colin Campbell

Screenshot 2020-07-16 at 15.02.27

It's been five years since my last interview with Dr. Campbell on Marlene & Friends and many other fabulous pioneers doing great work in the world. I decided it was time again to once again start my series to share their incredible research and studies with you all. As always, I had a lot of fun interviewing our valued friend and one of my favourite people on the planet. Here is Dr. Campbell's message to the world. You will learn much from this incredible human and I ask you to kindly forward this interview to friends, family and colleagues. This life saving knowledge needs to be shared to help as many people as we can to protect themselves from COVID-19 and other diseases that plague society.

The slide show that Dr. Campbell shares in the video will relate to many around the world who are already in the process of forming degenerative diseases or they already have them from eating a nutrient poor diet. What Dr. Campbell shares is that the same poor nutrition operates on viruses also. Summarising, Dr. Campbell explains that people who have these degenerative conditions are much more likely to get the viral disease. Comorbidity, to use the technical term, in simple terms refers to the presence of more than one disorder in the same person. We also discuss Dr. Campbell's latest book The Future of Nutrition available to pre-order worldwide. This ground-breaking book answers so many questions amid the mass confusion surrounding nutritional science. Please join the evolution with us to continue to share this life-saving work from T. Colin Campbell to every corner of the globe.

The Book: The Future Of Nutrition
An Insider's Look at the Science, Why We Keep Getting It Wrong, and How to Start Getting It Right. 

A glimpse at some of the many topics discussed in the new book.

Why, despite the many advances in science and technology over the past few decades, does our health only seem to be getting worse?

Why, despite so much time and energy spent studying the foods we eat, are we more confused than ever about nutrition?

What good nutrition looks like, and what it can do for our health? 

Whatever your passion is that gets you out of bed each day The Future of Nutrition has it covered.

As always, Bill and I wish you good health, stay safe and take care of each other. 
In good health