
Blog about healthy living


  The Benefits of Gluten

The Benefits of Gluten

The Benefits Of Gluten The current gluten-free diet craze is unhealthy for those who do not need it.  Traditionally our kind of high-carbohydrate eating has...

  The World Goes Vegan

The World Goes Vegan

Our vision that the world goes vegan is what Bill and I teach with gusto daily. If you think about all the food that...

  The Anatomy of Eating

The Anatomy of Eating

One of the most controversial and curious subjects in modern nutrition is the place of animal protein in a healthy diet. The evidence has...

  BBC Radio 3 Interview with Nana Akua

BBC Radio 3 Interview with Nana Akua

Long Life & Prosper There was no better way for Bill and I to spend a glorious Easter Monday than be given the opportunity to...

  Happy Easter Vegan Cake

Happy Easter Vegan Cake

Vegan Easter Treat Easter should be a time of joy and celebration for our world for all who live here, humans and non-humans alike. Treat...

  Can What You Eat Improve Your Relationship?

Can What You Eat Improve Your Relationship?

Living In Harmony When two people are attracted to each other we often say that they have “good chemistry”. What if that’s really true? What...

  The Perplexity of the Vegan Ecologist

The Perplexity of the Vegan Ecologist

What is known is - the world is disintegrating before our eyes. I am not speaking about societies they come and go. I am...

  Vegan Lasagne

Vegan Lasagne

Lasagne noodles come in many sizes, choose ones to fit the dish or casserole you are using to bake your lasagne. Serve with a...

  The Natural Woman Is Vegan

The Natural Woman Is Vegan

Nothing is as important as a sense of humour when it comes to ageing ‘naturally’.  I personally prefer to look at the process of...

  Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge Is Power

‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’ Nelson Mandela As a child I adored Nelson Mandela. In my...

  Vegan Cooking Classes,  Godalming & London

Vegan Cooking Classes, Godalming & London

The world at large is moving more and more towards a plant-based diet and a vegan way of life. As a long time vegan,...

  The Revolution In Nutrition

The Revolution In Nutrition

29th March 7.00 - 9.00p.m. Boxgrove Hall, Boxgrove, Chichester Bill Tara and Marlene Watson-Tara Nutrition has become a field dominated by confusion as conflicting theories struggle...

  5 Day Eating Plan – Total £1.00 A Day

5 Day Eating Plan - Total £1.00 A Day

Live Below the Line Recipes 5 Day Eating Plan – Total £1.00 a Day! Six years ago, I designed the following recipes for Live Below the...

  Eating As If All Life Matters

Eating As If All Life Matters

I know, I know. He’s my husband, but… Bill’s new book is incredible. He has really put the “macro”...

  An Ethical Approach to Nutrition

An Ethical Approach to Nutrition

In the past several months there have been a number of scientific reports released regarding the benefits of a “plant-based” diet. The response from...

  Step Into 2019 With A FREE Safe & Sustainable Weight Loss Programme

Step Into 2019 With A FREE Safe & Sustainable Weight Loss Programme

MACROVegan  ChitChat with Marlene Our New Year Gift To You All - Download this £149 Course For Free Ten years ago I created my first on-line...

  The Bone Broth Fad

The Bone Broth Fad

If you desire the truth about what is REAL in terms of food and nutrition, please sign up for our newsletters. The bone broth...

  Go Vegan – It’s Easy

Go Vegan – It’s Easy

Our Vegan Advocacy Work Back in the time of Copernicus, most would have thought it impossible if you said that you were going to convince...

  Seminars and Lectures with Bill and Marlene

Seminars and Lectures with Bill and Marlene

October, November and December 2018 For the next months Bill and Marlene will only be dong seminars and lectures by invitation. They are busy with...

  Health, Nutrition & The Carnivore Craze

Health, Nutrition & The Carnivore Craze

For over fifty years I have watched dietary fads come and go. Usually, they are simply a way of selling books with wild claims....